they claim
Other brick staining companies claim to be the same as Masonry Cosmetics. They say their stained bricks penetrate into the masonry. They say they don’t crack, peel or fade. They say their color is permanent for 20, 30 or more years. They even offer warranties. Look at their older jobs. Most of them are not like us.
Some brick stain companies use watered-down paint, and some use products that crack and fade in as little as 4-5 years.
Some create an unnatural shine and a barrier that traps unwanted moisture. Not all brick staining companies are the same. You deserve the best brick stain on the market.
protect your business
Before you hire a brick staining company, do your research. Ask your brick stain company to show you some of their longest-lasting projects. If they won't - think about how this could negatively affect your business. Ask yourself - are potential lawsuits and lost clients worth it?
Using the wrong product can be a costly and destructive error.

painting vs. staining brick
Painted brick needs to be reapplied every few years to avoid eyesores, or it needs to be removed, which isn't a cheap or a simple solution.
decreases value
Brick homes have a higher resale value, but this changes when you paint your brick.
the lasting consequences of painting brick
One of the great things about brick is that it’s a natural, maintenance-free building material. Unless a coating like paint is added, brick, for the most part, won’t need any maintenance or upkeep for it to keep looking amazing.
What exactly happens when you paint brick? Bear with us here - let’s think of brick as a living being for a second. Brick needs to breathe to survive, and a sealant or coating essentially suffocates the brick. Moisture from the air, sky and ground are absorbed into the pores of brick, and evaporates into the brick’s body. When the brick is sealed though, the moisture has nowhere to go, and ends up becoming trapped in your home’s structure. This trapped moisture will deteriorate your walls, and will be detrimental to your brick.